The IELTS Speaking test assesses your ability to communicate in English. Your examiner will use the four assessment criteria to assess your speaking performance:

  • Pronunciation

  • Lexical resource

  • Fluency and coherence

  • Grammatical range and accuracy

Remember that each of these criteria is worth 25% of your overall Speaking score. The assessment criteria used by IELTS examiners are the same for both the General Training and Academic tests.

In this article, you will see different videos comparing the difference between Band 6 and Band 7 performances in all the speaking band descriptors.


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Pronunciation criteria assesses how easy it is to understand what you say, and you are assessed on the range of pronunciation features you can use, including stress, intonation and rhythm.

This measures how well you are understood and how clearly (and correctly) you pronounce words.

Lexical Resource

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Lexical Resource means your ability to choose the right words and phrases to express yourself clearly.

The examiner looks at the kinds of words you use, whether they help make your ideas clear, and whether the words are understandable, appropriate and relevant to the topic.

The use of idiomatic language and less common words are important at higher levels (band 7 and up). This doesn’t mean that you need to use very uncommon words, or phrases and clichés that you have memorised. It takes time and practice to use idiomatic language naturally when discussing a variety of topics.

The examiner also assesses your ability to paraphrase, saying what you mean using different words when you can’t think of the right word or phrase.

Fluency and Coherence

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Fluency and Coherence assesses your ability to keep speaking and if you need to hesitate, self-correct and repeat yourself to keep going.

Your examiner will look at how coherent you sound - how your words, ideas and thoughts flow together, using a range of words and phrases to connect and organise your ideas, help you move on to another point.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy

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Grammatical Range and Accuracy assesses your ability to produce speech that is grammatically correct using both simple and complex sentence structures.

It is also important to try and limit the number of grammatical errors you make. Become aware of the errors you usually make (e.g. articles, prepositions, subject/verb agreement) so you can make sure that your sentences are accurate.

Band 6 Speaking score: What it means

Scoring Criteria

Band 6


Uses a range of pronunciation features with mixed control

Shows some effective use of features but this is not sustained

Can generally be understood throughout, though mispronunciation of individual words or sounds reduces clarity at times

Lexical resource

Has a wide enough vocabulary to discuss topics at length and make meaning clear in spite of inappropriacies

Generally paraphrases successfully

Fluency and coherence

Is willing to speak at length, though may lose coherence at times due to occasional repetition, self-correction or hesitation

Uses a range of connectives and discourse markers but not always appropriately

Grammatical range and accuracy

Uses a mix of simple and complex structures, but with limited flexibility

May make frequent mistakes with complex structures, though these rarely cause comprehension problems

Band 7 Speaking score: What it means

Scoring Criteria

Band 7


Shows all the positive features of Band 6 and some, but not all, of the positive features of Band 8

Lexical resource

Uses vocabulary resource flexibly to discuss a variety of topics

Uses some less common and idiomatic vocabulary and shows some awareness of style and collocation, with some inappropriate choices

Uses paraphrase effectively

Fluency and coherence

Speaks at length without noticeable effort or loss of coherence

May demonstrate language-related hesitation at times, or some repetition and/or self-correction

Uses a range of connectives and discourse markers with some flexibility

Grammatical range and accuracy

Uses a range of complex structures with some flexibility

Frequently produces error-free sentences, though some grammatical mistakes persist

Learn more about the assessment criteria IELTS examiners use and how the Speaking test is scored. You can also download the IELTS Speaking test assessment criteria as a PDF.

If you want to increase your Speaking band score from a Band 6 to a Band 7, or improve your Speaking scores in general, you can access our wide range of IELTS Preparation Materials and Practice Tests.

You can also get premium preparation with IELTS Speaking Coaching -- an official IELTS mock Speaking test for test takers who need to boost their Speaking score. This is a 45-minute coaching session with an experienced IELTS teacher.

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About this Article

Published on 02 September, 2024

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